1.0 Good quality server

The basics

Growing a server is hard work, and will probably make you lose some money before it starts to get profitable. You need to think smart to get a successful server.

In order to complete that, you need to make good decisions about your server so then we will leave you a couple of tips

1.2 Good community

To build a good community we recommend that you make certain changes to the server so that it has a personality more attached to what as owners try to achieve, later we recommend that you focus on a good selection of administrative equipment since they will be in charge of creating a community where people enjoy. Once you have well refined these points, it is time for you to continue reading the guide that will help you configure your store.

1.3 Eula & Balanced ranks

When monetizing your server, it is important to keep your perks balanced.

What we mean by this is that you should make sure the perks you're selling are very tempting to buy and enhance the play on your server, but that they don't give you a real advantage in any of your game modes.

An example of a good perk to sell would be fly on a Survival/Skyblock server. It wont impact anyone else's gameplay, because it is not as competitive as KitPVP server for example. If you were to sell fly on a KitPVP server, that would just be unfair, think about it. Another example of a good perk would be cosmetics on the hub, or chat prefixes that will make you stand out.

Having a "Pay-To-Win" server is bad because it makes things unbalanced and will not make new players want to stay, because they practically have nothing compared to everyone else. And if someone cant afford something that another player has that gives them an advantage and they decide to compete with each other, think about how unfair that will be.

Also, keep in mind that selling Minecraft items on your store is against the EULA. We highly recommend that you read the EULA before starting your server.

1.4 Tutorial

What is Tebex?

There are steps that you must follow in order to set up the Tebex: